Fluidmecanica I+D+i team, in cooperation with Sagres, S.L, is involved in the design and implementation, of the hydraulic drive, to get energy from tidal currents.
“The Magallanes Project started in 2007 with the challenge of developing a technology able to extract power from tidal currents and it has become, with the years, a reality thanks to our multidisciplinary team.
Our team, in collaboration with centers characterized by their wide experience in the naval and technological sectors, has made the Magallanes Project come true; a project with great prospects. This project has been recognized by the European Marine Energy Center (EMEC) as the first Spanish tidal developer.
Tidal currents highlight due to their great potential and foreseeability, which make them one of the renewable sources of energy with better and more promising prospects.”
Extract from: http://www.magallanesrenovables.com
Courtesy of Sagres, S.L.